UI Design

  • SITH Front End UI

    SITH Front End UI

    Our first professional interaction with Soul in the Horn (SITH) started with implementing a pixel perfect theme restyling of their WordPress based website. After effectively translating the mockup I was provided to the active theme using the block editor, custom css and a bit of code, we moved to some needed maintenance to speed up…

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  • Toolbox App UI updates

    Toolbox App UI updates

    Toolbox APP has come a long way during development During its last strategy pivot, I was called upon to reinvision the look and feel of UI interface. Driven by UX assessments and wireframes, derived from research data collected the Marketing team, I came up with a brighter, multi color and textural concept. Toolbox APP is…

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  • Toolbox App UI Design

    Toolbox App UI Design

    After developing the logos for ToolboxApp, we were commisioned to design the mobile user interface. We developed the style guide, working panels and visual styling of the menus

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